
Showing posts from February, 2023

application assignment #1

  Where does your plastic go ?      Plastic is continuing to pile up in these countries that don't have the resources to recycle just last year the equivalent of 68,000 shipping containers of American plastic was exported to developing countries that cannot manage 70% of their own plastic which is effectively destroying the environment as it litters the shore ways and streets of these countries. in some countries they are slowed down maintaining there own waste as they now have an excess to deal with. in the article there was a family that lived in a house on stilts and they described it as " “I cannot accept plastic being imported into our country,” said a resident, Heng Ngy, 58. Ngy and his wife live in a wooden house on stilts that seems to hover on a sea of plastic. A pungent stench wafts up to the open-aired rooms." it is estimated that 20% to 70% of all plastic is non recyclable.      The human health is impacted by this as a lot of this plastic is un sanitary an

My favorite place

  "Sea mountain and sun" Man O’War Cove in St Oswalds Bay , Dorset, England. The lack of visibility in the distance is due to sea mist. This is a photo of a beautiful bay and I have always loved the outdoors and especially the beach its always my favorite place to be. I cannot think of too many other things I would rather do than swim in the ocean or go to the beach. I grew up in South Africa and went to a town called Morgan bay where we have our house as a kid and still go back and visit as we are keeping the house to go back to. below is a photo that I took in Morgan bay when I was there over December break. Morgan bay South Africa photo by: Sean Bortolan