Protecting the Javan rhino

Javan Rhino in protected habitat

The Javan rhino is a large animal weighing about 2.3 tons and up to 4m in length and 1.7m in height. these large animals live in the forest in Indonesia they eat leaves, shoots, twigs and fallen fruit. nothing eats them as there is no animal large enough to currently eat them and kill them. there are currently 68 of them and they are at a stable number as they are protected and critically endangered. they are currently trying to increase there population by keeping them in protected habitats with everything they need and they are able to reproduce in these habitats. They live about 30-40 years and they are all in captivity now to try and recover there species so they do not go extinct. these animals are a light grey with rough skin there skin is very tough and they are able to walk through brush and on un even terrain, they have large paws and 2 horns which allow them to protect themselves.


Bamboo forest

Javan rhino areas 

These Javan Rhino's are found in Javan Indonesia and they are in a sanctuary called Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. Where they are looked after and they can breed them. they live in a tropical rainforest and there are people constantly monitoring them and there behavior in order to make sure they are healthy. they live in a temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, they get between 1600mm and 2000mm rainfall per year. the lower sections of the forest are covered in bamboo and palm trees as there are many plateaus and in the high points there are rivers and dense forest as well. this biome has many different consumers and producers as there is tons of life in it. Such as leopards, wild dog, monkeys as well as insects like flies, grasshoppers, worms, bees and these little insects use the nutrients to help the plans grow as well as provide food for other animals such as birds. 

dead Javan rhino and hunter 

The biggest threat for the Javan rhino is humans as they are hunted for trophies and there horn. these rhinos have been hunted since colonial times. human hunt them as there horns are made of ivory which has a vey high black market value, there horns are also shipped to other counties as people buy them all over the world. Many people tend to believe that they have healing properties in them and use them to make tea, soup or keep them for other uses. humans hunt rhinos all over the world regardless of there species if the humans did not hunt them there would be an abundance of their population but they are constantly threatened as poachers are always on the look out for all types of rhinos.

javan rhino screaming 

There are people in keene that hunt animals and they could want to hunt a rhino if they so choose to, and this decision they make could eventually make the animals go extinct because they are slowing decreasing in population and currently the Javan rhino is only found in Indonesia as there is no other sanctuary for them to go to where they would be able to be looked after so if people at keene decide to hunt these animals it is there decision that is killing them they should make a better choice even if hunting to hunt animals that have a large population and not endangered or they should hunt animals that are invasive to the area.

