
Showing posts from May, 2023

lake view

Everyday I would wake up and look out of my bedroom at the pond on campus. I always enjoyed that I got to see it and would see many squirrels in the trees and dogs walk by I always enjoyed this. my favorite time was during the night when it was quiet and peaceful. the stars would be out and a few bugs buzzing around the light but the water was still as ever. I saw raccoons walking past some nights looking for food, as they went up and down the edge of the pond. I listened to the frogs as they made there noises every night whilst during the day there were ducks and geese swimming around.  the view was so peaceful I would keep my window open and stare out of it for hours, anytime I was stressed I would take some time to reset and look at any animals that were around the waters edge. it was always nice to see that there was wildlife still in the area even with all the people around. I watched the sunset most evenings as it reflected the trees onto the water creating an almost mirror image

Greta Thunberg

  Greta Thunberg      Greta Thunberg has come up with some brilliant ideas towards climate change and has already helped a huge amount. She did this to make politicians take notice of what is happening to the environment and to make a stop towards global climate change. She started movements in many places and gave speeches on what needs to change and how we need to do it. She was motivated by the idea to preserve the climate and from a young age of 15 when she skipped school to go and protest in front of the parliament building, that was on august 20th 2018. On August 26th 2018 she was joined by fellow students, teachers and parents at another protest. Greta was joined by so many after they saw how she viewed what is happening to the environment and saw that we needed change, without her giving the speeches she did I do not believe someone else could have made this amount of change in such a short time, as we have been trying many new ideas for years and nothing has really changed in