Greta Thunberg


Greta Thunberg

    Greta Thunberg has come up with some brilliant ideas towards climate change and has already helped a huge amount. She did this to make politicians take notice of what is happening to the environment and to make a stop towards global climate change. She started movements in many places and gave speeches on what needs to change and how we need to do it. She was motivated by the idea to preserve the climate and from a young age of 15 when she skipped school to go and protest in front of the parliament building, that was on august 20th 2018. On August 26th 2018 she was joined by fellow students, teachers and parents at another protest. Greta was joined by so many after they saw how she viewed what is happening to the environment and saw that we needed change, without her giving the speeches she did I do not believe someone else could have made this amount of change in such a short time, as we have been trying many new ideas for years and nothing has really changed in the big scheme of things. She will always be remembered in environmental history for the amount of change that she brought to the way people treat the environment and she has already made a difference, she is a leading voice in the fight to protect the environment as countries everywhere are having similar battles in which the environment is being destroyed at a drastic rate. She also gave a speech about how the world had 420 giga tons of c02 to admit and we are now at a rate of 350 giga tons, which shows how much of an impact she has made. 

Greta Thunberg at a protest 

     Greta gave a speech to world leaders on November 5th 2021 shortly after she had begun going to protests. This speech had thousands of views and was viewed all around the world. she spoke about the amount of waste humans are producing, she also spoke about how the older generations are always going to the younger generations and that is not fair as it was the older generations that previously destroyed the environment however everyone looks to our in order to fix it. Greta addressed politicians and world leaders in order to make a change. This layered the human and environment relationship as after this there were changes made and more people started to see the problems we currently have and it showed how many world leaders are doing either very little or nothing to help.  Greta led this talk and showed her view on what is happening in the world. She spoke about how people talk about money and economy growth but not about how people are trying to fix these issues as there are some people who are trying to fix these problems and she showed that she cannot believe that they are fixing these problems as there seems to be not enough done to change to impact of what we have done and if we cut our emissions in half in the next 10 years it only gives us a 50% chance of staying above the 1.5 degrees and the risk of the irreversible chain reactions. her movement was called "Fridays for future"

  • Donald Trump has posted tweets towards Greta Thunberg along with Andrew Tate and a few others. She has addressed the problems as they are real issues however many people believe that they are not or they are not as serious as they seem. These people that have addressed Greta have done nothing to help the environment. They have conflicted with her because they are against what she thinks, Andrew Tate is a narcissist that only does things for himself on one of her posts he commented about how much pollution his cars put out into the environment and how many cars he have he then tagged Greta and asked for her email to send her the rest of his car list and the amounts it pollutes the environment, she responded to one of his videos after he had been arrested on sex trafficking charges saying it was because he did not recycle his pizza boxes as he said in a video that his staff should not recycle them and he had cleary ordered more than a person could eat contributing the the health loss of the environment. She has addressed them in a professional manner but they were disrespectful to her and they are not only going up against her but also other environmental activists. They have addressed her in a manner that is not acceptable, however these are world leaders who have the ability to help fix these issues and to correct the mistakes we have made in the past as all of these people that have gone against Greta have many influences that follow them and many people that they could reach out to.

Andrew Tate

Greta has impacted people in Keene Nh as many people have seen her videos about her protests and speeches and she was very popular during cover times as many people were on there screens at the time and watched her this made people change some of the things they do however not enough change has happened and more people need to change in order to stop species from going extinct, including humans. we are slowly destroying the environment and without change we will continue to go down hill. this has also affected the people in keene NH as this is affecting habitats that animals live in where we may want to visit and now have to spend more money on outreach programs in order to try and fix this mistake that humans have made. without humans polluting the world we would have more animals and marine life however because of the things we have tried to achieve we have lost sight of what we are doing as every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

 earth- lil Dicky ( only listen to chorus first 40sec I tried to find a clean version but was unsuccessful)

